Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Potty training a bear (paw 2)

We're completely out of size 5 diapers. The Albertson's guy is due to show up with our groceries at any minute. Strong Bear knows he CANNOT be naked when the Albertson's guy gets here. Will he put on his Diego underwear? Nope. I finally gave him a choice: underwear or wait upstairs in my room until Albertson's guy comes and leaves. Bear hates being alone. He marches up the stairs to wait it out. /sigh

But Strong Bear came downstairs too early. The truck had arrived. The door was open. Albertson's guy would be walking in any second. I grabbed Strong Bear and shoved his squirming feet into the Diego underwear. Then I picked him up and lugged him across the house to the back door. "Look. There's the truck." Strong Bear likes trucks. Loud truck.

He wasn't happy, but there wasn't much he could do about it.

Doh! Strong Bear is WAY too heavy for me to carry - what was I thinking?? Was it worth it? He's just gonna pull them off again as soon as Albertson's guy leaves. or as soon as he has to go potty.

An hour later, I checked. He'd peed in his underwear. "You can't pee in your underwear, honey. Quick, go potty." Tinkle, tinkle flush. Strong Bear ran back and put his legs into his underwear - trying to pull them on. Wow! What could this mean?....

We got him some fresh Diego underwear. He put it on without a fuss. ...and peed in it an hour later. So, ...why don't I feel like I won?


Amy said...

I'm very impressed that Bear is taking to the potty training at all. Brooke would LOVE to wear her panties all the time--in fact, she took all of them and put them on her legs all at once, half on one leg and half on the other--but she has yet to pee in the potty.

BTW, I like that you named him Bear. Is that based on your teddy bear's name? :)

RainSplats said...

BTW, I like that you named him Bear. Is that based on your teddy bear's name? :)

Yes. I'm surprised that you remembered. You've always had a knack for names--I didn't realize it included teddy bears. ;)

Emily M. said...

I really hate potty training. This is why my kids have stayed in diapers for so long. Loved the post just before this one too.--Emily


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