Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Essentials - Ramit

New segment today that I'm really excited about:
Raine's Essentials are things that I couldn't live with out, things I wouldn't have survived the past 2 years without, and things I desperately NEED want!

Pregnant with momo twins, and facing a 7 week hospital inpatient stay, the first thing I remember doing:  setting my finances in order.  I do the finances in our family. Pregnant = forgetful.  I set up everything to be as automated as possible....and then I stumbled across this lovely book:

Before I spent $10 on the book, I'd read posts from Ramit's website. I like his style--boy's got spunk.  He doesn't hold back.  Lifehacker interviews him here. He's been on NPR, morning shows, newspapers, etc.

Best $10 I ever spent.  I'd saved myself $29 in fees by the end of the first week.  Since then I've MADE (tax free) money with a Roth IRA for retirement.  I knew nothing about investing before I grabbed his book.

(He also has a continuing segment called the money diaries that I enjoy.)

OK - and here's the best part  - after reading his book...the 2 times when I found myself with financial questions that weren't already answered, I emailed him.  Both times, he responded within 10 minutes (even though it was after midnight!) and we chatted until my questions were resolved.  Now I'm not saying it's gonna be that way for everyone...but I found it pretty amazing! (I wonder if he's figured out how to get around the whole need-sleep issue.)

Anyway, go check out his website and his book.  You'll be glad you did. 
(No paid promotions were involved in this post--just my unsolicited opinion.)


Anonymous said...

Ramit's website was up to now unknown to me. But it sounds very interesting and promising! I will try to translate his side into the German to me. Thank you very much!

SJ said...

Sounds pretty cool. Thanks.

Theodora Ofosuhima said...

I just read it. I am planning to save up money and there is a similar think to IRA in Britain known as ISA. I will check Ramit's site out.


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