Sunday, March 15, 2009


Amy tagged me! I'm supposed to:
1. Go to my documents/pictures.
2. Go to my 6th file folder.
3. Go to my 6th picture.
4. Blog about it.
5. Tag 6 people to do the same

Oh my!  I hope it's not a picture I've already posted.  I post so many :) Let's see.....
This was taken last October on an unusually warm day.  The twins were almost 4 months old!  We had a picnic out on the front lawn.  (Yes, I'm feeding my family bananas.  Please don't die of shock!)

Top (Left to right):  Haqon, Beautiful Rabbit, Delightful Finch, Strong Bear.
Twins:  Seraph (left) & Angel (right)

Ok, time to pick 6 lucky people to post their 6th of the 6th picture!  I pick.....Jenny, Cat, Sara, Brandi, Mamalissa, and Kelly!  Show me some cuties!


Fine Art by Jennifer said...

Me, Jenny? I'll have to wait until I have my computer connection if you're actually tagging me!

RainSplats said...

Yup. You :)


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