Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Snow Day!

My wonderful neice (Thanks Fairee Princess!) rescued me today when I suddenly realized I didn't have enough of one medicine for Seraph's 8pm meds.  It was a special medicine that required me driving around town in a snow storm to 3 different  places even though I'd already called ahead and it was supposedly in stock.

For no reason at all, I decided to leave Seraph home and take Delightful Finch instead.  Seraph's doc would've liked checking up on her weight/color/oxygen saturations.....but with all the running around and snow it would've been bad if Seraph had been with me.  Finch had a great time.  She loved the snow.  Charmed everyone she met.  Loved being out with just Mommy.  She said "Mom" every 5 seconds to talk to me or point out something cool to look at. She even made 2 new friends.

The kids adore their cousin. They're always asking me when she'll visit again.  Sexy Haqon picked up some other prescriptions on his way home and managed to be home BEFORE me...and in time to get Seraph her 6pm meds - yay.

I usually don't like driving in snow during rush hour traffic.....but today I was so busy rescuing Seraph, I didn't even notice. :)

1 comment:

Safire said...

We love the Princess too. :) Glad you were able to rescue Seraph! :)


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