Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Baby Girlie

Seraph is amazing. I thought she'd be weaker after her surgery. Instead, she's stronger and happier. The biggest problem we've had is that she likes to chew on her oxygen tube or pull it off completely right before falling asleep.

We're soooo happy :) It's wonderful to have her home.

Now that she doesn't need all the reflux meds, she only gets meds about half as often as before. I feel like I'm on vacation! She sleeps 6-8 hours at night. !!!

I can't wait to start up her physical therapy and speech therapy. I'm excited to see what she can do.


Fine Art by Jennifer said...

That's great news!

Christina said...

Yea for HOME! What a blessing that she is doing so well.

Hugs & Prayers,
Christina from IHH
Jacob's Momma


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