Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Five by Five

Me: Which Star Wars do you want to watch?
Strong Bear: 5!
Me:  How old are you?
Bear: 5!
Me: How old is Finch?
Bear:  1! (that's right!)
Me: How old is Baby Angel?
Bear: 1!
(Grandpa thinks that's a trick question.)
Me: How old is Baby Seraph?
Bear:  [long pause]
Me: How old is Baby Seraph?
Bear: 1!
Me: How old is Mommy?
Bear: 3!
Me: How old is Grandpa?
Bear: [looks at Grandpa....] 6!
Me: How old is Grandma?
Bear: 3!
Me: How old is Daddy?
Bear: 5!
Me: How old is Rachel?
Bear: 3!
Me: How old is Strong Bear?
Bear: 5!!

1 comment:

Paige said...

At least he has a somewhat logical pattern going there.


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